You are charged with designing the ultimate desk. Money is no object, consider the shape, function, power etc. anything you can think of but the only rule is it has to actually perform the function of a desk in some way.
After completing the initial exercise, I recognized my original approach to the project was limited by preconceived ideas. I then designed a multifunctional desk akin to a cart, complete with compartments for a laptop, monitor, and creative supplies. The desk’s top is adjustable and it’s outfitted with wheels for easy movement within the workspace.
I initially listed desired features for the desk, including practical tools like a fridge and tool holder, and unique elements such as an easel and gaming features. Other aspects considered were built-in lighting, space for plants, foldable components, stand-up options, and ample storage.
The final design incorporates many of these features—excluding walls and hammocks—to deliver an innovative workplace solution that combines functionality with creativity.

Where did you start? Most start the exercise in the same way they start with desk. The question is why? The exercise never said to start with the tabletop; “Just said it has to function as a desk in some way”. Those that start with a desk imply that it must have a tabletop of some sort, because the word desk was used and it has a predefined meaning to everyone. In short we/I placed restrictions on my ideas that weren’t there.
This syndrome is called “attachism”. We have become a society of attachers, trading true innovation for added improvement. Very few people are able are able to remove themselves from what a desk as opposed to the question how one uses a desk. What is the purpose of desk versus how we transform historical version of a desk to fit our needs. To continue to grow creatively, one must train themselves to question every precedent and ensure that one is solving the right problem.